Product and New Market Analysis

Considering today’s global economy marketing strategies and buying habits of individuals rapidly keep changing. There are lots of parameters to put into consideration from the top manufacturer to an influencer who are making their weekly or even daily plans accordingly.

Every person is a company and every company has a potential of gathering billions of people now. While social media and smart phones are the key elements to help us reach out the customer even with smallest potential, large companies can predict the next years sales numbers with the intelligent algorithms.

As Fatihtrade Consulting Ltd. we understand the value and the significance of TIME and help our clients to manage it while we interact with the right buyers we found for them, secure their payment and do the same for the other side.

You may be a buyer, a seller, a manufacturer, a service provider or even an entrepreneur who has not yet decided to do with their potential. We asist you to find a right way put your energy and focus in order to achieve your goals.

Here is what we do;

Our client approaches us with a demand, your demand and investment are classified together by our front department. Then it is carried on to the related department.

Our marketing and product research department studies your product and your company, finds the international coding and regulations for the trading, payment, logistics and laws. We evaluate everything together and give a ranking before you set sail for the open seas.

We carry out a number of research on the internet and with our clientele.

After we classify your demand and your product we pass them all together through a number of filters such as quality, price, packaging, logistical obstacles and of course the competetors.